Watch inbox for submissions
Open and read email
Download and open attachments
Read through documents for
key data
Manually type in all important data
into claims system
Determine if claim should be paid
out and at what amount
Single-click check off any data points that fall below confidence level
Determine if claim should be paid out and at what amount
Empowered and digital-native consumers want fast, seamless service when they file a claim.
The more time and resources required for processing, the less opportunity for profit and competitive advantage.
Digital-first competitors are putting the squeeze on traditional insurance companies.
Streamline claims processes to provide faster, more accurate claims handling, delighting your customers and improving retention.
Automate manual tasks, reducing the cost of claims handling and improving overall efficiency, even during surge times.
Utilize faster and more accurate data to detect and mitigate fraud, ensuring accurate claims payouts and reducing claim leakage.
Reduce the cost of the intake process by automating manual tasks and give your team more capacity to make smarter decisions.
Connect Intelligent Intake with your existing systems, minimizing disruption and maximizing the benefits of new technology.
We've identified almost $100 million in hard value, hard dollar savings, that we can quite easily achieve over the coming three to four years using unstructured data digitization and analytics tools. That's just headlines how impactful this is.
VP of Planning & Strategy